What format should I send my files? PDF’s are great! It’s the perfect way to send a file, but please make sure you create outlines and convert your colour profile to CMYK.

What if my file size is bigger than 25MB? – Well, that’s not a problem – you can email your artwork to us using file transfer sites. We recommend ‘wetransfer’.

What is bleed? – Bleed is a print term which helps us printers when we’re trimming your artwork. You need to add extra print area out with the area of the intended artwork size. If you are printing business cards which are 85 (mm) x 55 (mm), you add 3mm all round, making your artwork 91 (mm) x 61 (mm). If you have any problems, please give us a call or drop us an email and we can send you a template.

How do I order multiple items? That’s easy – you need to place each order individually by adding it to your cart. You will be able to place your order and upload your artwork again and again!

Why do I need to convert to CMYK? – In the world of print, the colour process is known as CMYK – cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black). These four colours mixed in different quantities create every colour that can possibly be printed. Although you can view files on screen as RGB (red, green and blue) you must always convert to CMYK for print.

I need my order yesterday, how quickly can you deliver? We operate a standard 3-5 days turnaround but please call us or email and we can let you know if we can meet your deadline.